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Friday, July 29, 2005

Wrong Bolton?

This is a long shot.

But has anyone considered the possibility that W meant to nominate Michael Bolton to be Ambassador to the UN, rather than John Bolton?

I know of no reason why Michael is qualified....but then, there is no reason to think John is, and lots of reasons to think he is not.

Plus, I've heard that former Soviet states have been on W's mind.

Moreover, this President is known for his mangling of the language -- it's not hard to imagine he would say "John" when he meant "Michael".

And, we know that Bush is famously reluctant to admit mistakes. Surely this mistake would be particularly embarrasing: imagine intending to nominate a no-talent ass clown to be UN Ambassador, and then accidentally nominating a no-diplomacy kiss-up kick-down radical with a foggy memory.


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